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Movie Review: Adrift (2018)

added 8 apr 2019
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Adrift (2018)

Are we not ... land animals?

(this review contains spoilers)

A movie with a wide range of emotions: love, laughter, sadness and despair. Watch this movie if you're in the mood for a good cry.

Tami and Richard meet in Tahiti and set off to return a friend's sailing yacht to San Diego. They run into a hurricane en route, which flips the boat and breaks off the mast. Richard is washed overboard and drowns but Tami who is below decks at the time survives. When she comes-to, Tami hallucinates that she rescues Richard and nurses him as she navigates for Hawaii. Towards the end we realise that Richard is just her hallucination and that she's been alone ever since the storm.

Excellent acting in this movie, and a plot that develops with plenty of flashbacks to break up the monotony of being cast adrift with little to do but wait for 41 days until reaching Hawaii. Would watch again.

added 8 apr 2019
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